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Sexual Kung Fu & Transmutation

Writer's picture: Michael McCallMichael McCall

My Apothecary of Services | Sexual Kung Fu & Transmutation

Sexual Kung Fu & Transmutation have transformed my life in ways that I could barely imagine. Now, as a man, I can have multiple orgasms and receive pleasure like I never knew possible. At the same time circulated all of this sexual energy through my spine and central column, leading to immense creativity in my life, and career, and cultivating a healthy relationship with my beloved.

Ever since I was young 11 years old to be exact, I had trouble with porn/ejaculation addiction. This led to chronic depression, a loss of control in my life and a very deep shame that left me crippled. Sexual shame is a huge catalyst for addiction and is one of the reasons why it was so hard to let go of.

I have experienced years of sexual abstinence (ejaculation but no sex), and periods of celibacy (no sexual activity at all) for 3.5-4 years. In this period of my life I was leaning towards being a sanyasi (monk), eventually, I decided to fully enter back into society again and become sexually active. After years of deep sadhana through the 8 limbs of yoga and intense meditation.

I chose to become sexually active again, at the time I just come out of a meditation centre and had a very sharp mind. So I could control my semen with just my mind but led me to some intense blue balls cause I wasn't circulating the energy with my breath and awareness. (micro-cosmic orbit).

So I kept on exploring and experimenting, with different partners. Then eventually falling into the addiction of ejaculation again, not so much porn though. Later on, it led to porn addiction and so many challenges to overcome, as it can deeply trigger old neurological paths ways that have become dormant.

Crippled by this addiction I needed to find another way - and that is when I came across Mantak Chia's book the multi orgasmic man. This book blew my mind, so I started to practice it with my partner at the time.

But, this isn't where this started to take off and for me to take CONTROL of myself/life force. This is when I met and received a lot of wisdom/guidance from Tyson Adams. Such an amazing man - so unbelievably humble and loving. He helped me see my shadows deep down in the nitty-gritty shadowy aspects of my past and unshackle the shame that was holding me back from freedom. Thanks again, Tyson!

Now, I am with a beautiful woman who is a Sacred Sexuality Guide, this oracle woman has helped initiate me into deeper ways of being and also gave me space to be messy in it all!

As I continue deepening into the wisdom of Sexual Kung Fu, I want to share the teachings around it and how it can bring every man into a state of bliss, connection, creativity, and sexual empowerment.

What is the offer of these services?

Well, I am all about the practical aspect that will lead you to live a full life with the power of your Lingam!

Here is what will be given in this service!

The Power Point Slides Include:

  • Lingam (Penis) Elongation

  • Lingam Sensitivity Training

  • Lingam Gazing and Admiration

  • Urine & PC Contractions/Holding

  • Testicle strengthening

  • Prostate massage & Anal Play

  • Micro Cosmic Orbit

  • Mental Control Over Ejaculation

  • Rewiring Neurology with Loving Awareness

  • Self-Massage and Ceremonial Setting

  • Semen Ritual and Ingestion

  • Semen Purification

  • Outgrowing outer stimulus

  • Receiving Lingam Massage

  • Giving Yoni Massage & OM Practice

  • Intimacy Practices for Relationships

  • Yoni/Lingam Anatomy 

  • Slow and steady wins the race!

Are you ready to rise to the occasion and grow through it - instead of going around the issue you may face?

Let's get it, brothers!

Much love,



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