Both paths are necessary for a fully awakened path, one without the other is un-wholly.
Remembering the left-hand path is a choice to accept reality as it is and nothing else, to be with it all in the omnipresent observation of it.
The right-hand path is to change reality toward a beneficial existence by using what would be known as occult transmutation to dissolve energy, enjoy vitality, and heal your body from any illness. Well, live in alignment with natural law.
The serenity prayer explained this in such simplicity,
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, have the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
The focus of accepting the things I cannot change - note you are completely unable to change natural law, death, old age, and sickness (detoxification). These in the moment of resistance must be accepted or there is a great amount of suffering that one can inflict upon oneself.
Having the courage to confront aspects of our existence that can be changed, such as if I am getting old doesn't mean I need to be decrepit, I can still live a healthy life into my later years, for sickness, can be seen as waves of detoxification, rather not something negative. Well, it can also be approached as a choice to change how I eat so I can let go of that waste in my body.
For death, death can be seen as a build-up of stress, pain, improper eating, trauma etc. One must not cling to life though, one must let this body go when the time comes without trying to change it.
As you may see there is an intricacy, to the way this can be perceived and how lost people get in forget that there needs to be deep 'wisdom to know the difference'. When to accept, and when to change.
Thanks for reading.
Much love,
