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War of the Genders

Writer's picture: Michael McCallMichael McCall

The gender wars have been going on for time immemorial. The reason is that there has been a very dark and traumatic past for both men and women over the ages.

Let's begin to dissect why Men have been traumatized, and what led them astray from their natural loving essence. Fight wars they never truly want to fight is the biggest one. Men have been either the protectors, or providers, and were used because of the physical dominance over women. We as men were used as cannon fire for far too long, manipulated to think the dark/shadow aspects of the warrior are the only beneficial aspects to cultivate within.

Having father figures that have taught us how to be brutes. Not loving, authentic and compassionate human beings. There is nothing wrong with being a warrior, it is simply knowing who you are fighting for. Remembering, to know you are only meant to fight to protect for the sake of love for your tribe and family. Not for power, material gain, and adrenal pleasure.

Do not underestimate the extreme trauma that comes from war and how it is in the ancestral, and genetic trauma in the male body. This is the main reason I have found that why there is such a fight within relationships with women, sensitive, nurturing and gentle beings. To be a brute one must put aside all sensitivity, so the reflective nature of women towards men is challenging to overcome. Unless the healing/integration of the feminine and masculine energies is addressed.

Let's get into women cause I know most of the women are done hearing about the Men!

Women have been raped, abused, belittled, cheated on, dismissed, beaten, trafficked, tortured, and the list goes on. My heart goes out to all the women who have experienced atrocities as such, I can't necessarily speak for you. But, here is my opinion.

Through these traumas, women have been led to manipulate, more through methods of psychological control. Because women are not as physically strong. All of these patterns are understandable since one must defend oneself at any cost even if it goes beyond moral reasoning.

As we move into this relating to women, it is good to note that a lot of this has occurred from Men, specifically. So the wound can be triggered through the experience with men who are living out a self-centred, destructive, and abusive way. It is important to note that if you desire to heal the trauma created by those men who were in your life.

Do not stay in a relationship if they are toxic and unhealthy, get out as soon as possible. Now the healing begins for you. Trust me on this if you seek a partner from this very unregulated nervous system you will not connect to someone healthy, they also will not want to be with you if that is the case. Take the time for yourself hold your heart, and love yourself first.

When you do find that space for yourself, begin connecting to men in a platonic or ever see a male counsellor or therapeutic practitioner who can help bring the connection to men back online so you do not fall into those traps in relationships over and over again!

Don't always take my word for it though, find out yourself and experiment!

The point I am trying to make is that both genders have gone through a tremendous amount of pain and trauma. Which in turn leads to dysfunctional relationships, because trauma attracts trauma. Like attracts like, and the looping continues to develop. To break the loop, either women or men must look inward and begin the inner psychospiritual development. This will most likely be alone if the relationship is VERY toxic.

Through all of this pain and trauma, there needs to be an immense amount of compassion for both sides if healing will occur.

My journey started when I was 18, I was in a very dysfunctional and codependent relationship. My capacity at the time could not evolve with another. Then when I was 22 I started to explore relationships, intimacy and sex again!

There are many ways to develop your psychospiritual realms, then you can learn all the tools needed to live in a healthy relationship with a beloved. The solution is firstly internal, then secondly with the other person.

If you are looking to either evolve personally we can dive into a 1 Hour Free Connection Call! Do you and your beloved need a container to resolve conflict, or bring life to your sensual/sexual realms my beloved Zoey and I have begun holding space for couples! Please reach out if you want to drop into a 30-minute Free Connection Call.

For more details check out the Couples Work section on my website below!

Link below:

Much love,




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