Cultivated with the power of...

THe FIVe Pillars of Electric Living

Our Story
Let's enjoy how this vision, mission and manifestation began. Communal sustainability, spirituality, ecovillage living and re-villaging have permeated my mind over the past decade. Through the past decade, I have explored, newly found building methods, sustainable permaculture principles, and many ways of managing conflict affecting the community. These structures and principles will be put in place for the welfare of all.
These principles include Non-violent Communication, Authentic Relating, The Empowerment Dynamic, The Four Attachment Styles, and of course, spiritual practices that help regulate and calm the nervous system. All that is listed above will help guide people back to a calm & grounded nervous system through co-regulation or individual regulation. The importance of this is because the main factor of conflict leads to resentment and disharmony - leading people to dispatch from the intentional community.

Non-violent Communication is one of the most powerful ways I have found, so I can learn how to speak directly to my needs and feel effortlessly. Leading to understanding and ease in all my relationships.
Moving forward, there will be study groups for NVC so that in time people will effortlessly integrate this modality into their experience.
Bringing this into the community will allow people to learn how to do the same and resolve anything that is disconnecting their relationships from love and harmony.

Conflict Resolution
Welcoming in the power of connection, communication and compassion into every action, word and thought leading to deeper states of clarity and a sense of calm.

Authentic Relating
The 5 Principles
Welcome Everything (All emotions, feelings, sensations, thoughts and perceptions are welcome)
Assume Nothing (Leaving all your assumptions at the door so you can deeply listen and reflect)
Reveal Your Experience (Reveal your authenticity to each other, without authenticity it is not authentic relating)
Own Your Experience (Own all of your feelings, sensations, thoughts, perceptions, judgements or projections)
Honour Self & Other (Equally honour self and other in this process, don't bring violence against someone)
These Principles will help create a container for NVC so that you can dive even deeper into the power of the conflict present. These are the glue that will hold the community together, I am an avid practitioner of both NVC and have done my Level 1 Authentic Relating Certification - so I will be guiding seminars on both of these modalities. Please check out their website to learn more!

Envision an oasis in your backyard, full of fruit trees, perennial herbs and vegetables, ponds, water reservoirs, even lakes, tree plantations, greenhouses, and soil so rich you could grow a miraculous crop! Hidden sanctuaries in the forest for meditation and ceremony.
Permaculture has been used by countless advanced cultures in the past, basically mimicking nature's rhythms and patterns. These systems once put into place need little maintenance to them and are self-sustaining. All this time and energy can then be put into spiritual evolution and transformation!
Being rooted to the earth in this way will bring to true sense of security, power and wholeness. Instead of being segregated from nature, life and the essence of energy that flows through all life!

Imagine sanctuaries built throughout the property, bringing forth a sense of tranquillity, calm and clarity. Sacred spaces to dwell in the depths of your spiritual practices. Infused with art, creativity and love. Alters and sacred creations for your homes, sanctuaries and any spaces that wish to be infused with their magic.
Diving even deeper into the infrastructure of the plot of land you invest in - temporary structures, for Air BnB or housing rentals, wood-fired saunas and cold submergence tubs, outdoor gathering areas, pergolas, geodesic domes, woodwork shop, gym and so much more! Looking closely into how this space can be turned into an oasis, the vision becomes even greater. The investment will be worth while!

At the centre of it, is the main temple and sacred space for the community to hold retreats, gatherings, events, and anything that resonates with the community members. This space can be rented out to anyone who desires to share their offerings from outside of the community members.
Everything created in the communal area will be manifested through the finances of all community members. Shared finances, energy exchanges and communal participation will be shared in regular monthly Kings & Queens Council meetings. Always have an open dialogue about any needs, desires, and boundaries that each of us has in this process of cultivating community. Welcoming everything.

Kings & Queens of the Kingdom of God, do you desire to create a future focused on spiritual evolution, expansion and self/communal sustainability? Sovereignty is our birthright and can never be exchanged for money, material goods, or a false sense of security.
As sovereign beings of Mother Earth and the heavens above, we are meant to live in alignment with her rhythms and cycles. Bask in the radiant sun, embrace the earth's magnetic pull, and enjoy the bounty of her life-giving fruit and vegetables. We did not come here to pay with our soul/energy to corrupt entitled billionaires who treat us like cattle.
Ready to take your sovereignty back?

Becoming a seeds investor is a big commitment and a choice that could change your life forever! What are the logistics of a seed investor? Let's get into it!
What we are looking to steward and create?
Communal Areas - Approximately 3-5 Acres of Land designated for communal events, retreats, gardens and communal gathering and sanctuary spaces.
Collective house building, garden and permaculture design/creation culture.
Water reservoirs, ponds, water holes, water collection systems
Sustainable energy sources,
The Logistics:
40-100 Acres of land near Courtenay, British Columbia.
Divided between 3-4 families (Roughly $150,000-300,000 depending on land costs) we will not be financing with banks. Possibly, private investors if there is a legal contract written up stating they cannot come after the land.
All the land will be divided equally with the same amount of money per family. (Example: 800,000 for 4 Families 200,000 each)